Rhinomer Bebé Spray Extra Suave Esteril Nebulizador es un descongestionante nasal muy suave y super eficaz específico para bebés. Limpia y cuida las fosas nasales de los más pequeños a la vez que hidrata con suavidad.
Rhinomer Baby spray with extra soft sterile nebulizer it's a very mild, super effective nasal decongestant specifically for babies. It cleans and cares for the little ones' nostrils while moisturizing them gently.
Rhinomer Baby Spray Extra Soft Sterile Nebulizer meets all the requirements and benefits for a complete and safe cleaning of the nostrils of babies:
- Clear the nasal passages of babies
- Helps restore breathing
- Provides comfort and well-being during sleep and feeding
- It promotes nasal breathing in case of colds, mucus and nasopharyngitis
- Moisturize, care for and clean your nose at once and immediately
Clean, moisturize, and soften your baby's nose daily!
It is recommended that the use of RHINOMER BABY STRENGTH be avoided
The simple and beneficial composition of Rhinomer Baby Spray Extra Soft Sterile Nebulizer is
- 100% Undiluted, isotonic sea water (0.9% NaCl) Sterile and without preservatives.
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