Pilopeptan Loción Anticaída 100ml

Pilopeptan Hair Loss Lotion 100ml

Pilopeptan | PLP-Lot100-0331

Pilopeptan Hair Loss Lotion promotes hair growth, increases blood flow and revitalises the hair follicle. It strengthens the hair from the root, slowing down hair loss. No rinsing is needed.

16,59 $


Pilopeptan Hair Loss Lotion

Pilopeptan Hair Loss Lotion promotes hair growth, increases blood flow and revitalises the hair follicle. It strengthens the hair from the root, slowing down hair loss.  

So, this is all it gives you:

  • Stimulates growth and strengthens hair from the root.
  • Stimulates the anagen phase of hair growth, increases local blood flow and revitalises the hair follicle.
  • It also strengthens the hair from the root, slowing down hair loss.
  • It also has an impact on the appearance of the hair, giving it shine and vitality.

Strengthen your hair every day without rinsing!

Composition of Pilopeptan Hair Loss Lotion

Its main ingredients are the following:

Pygeum africanum: ingredient that prevents hair follicle regression, also reducing sebaceous secretion. - Ginseng and witch hazel extracts: ingredients that stimulate blood flow. - Chamomile and calendula extracts: extracts that soothe, moisturise and soothe inflammation.

Para el correcto uso y aplicación de Pilopeptan Loción Anticaída:

  • Aplica Pilopeptan Loción Anticaída sobre el cuero cabelludo (húmedo o seco), 1 vez al día.
  • Hazlo ejerciendo un masaje con movimientos circulares, favoreciendo así el riego sanguíneo. No aclarar posteriormente.

¿Para quién está indicado el uso de Pilopeptan Loción Anticaída?

Pilopeptan Loción Anticaída se recomienda para quien perciba pérdida de cabello.

  • Usar al menos una vez al día
  • No se necesita aclarado
  • Utilizar con el champú anticaída Pilopeptan para mayor eficacia. 
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