Solgar Ester-C 1000 mg Vitamina C 30 comp.

Solgar Ester-C 1000 mg Vitamin C 30 tablets

Solgar | 033984010505

Complemento alimenticio formulado a base de vitamina C con pH neutro para favorecer su absorción sin dañar el estómago.

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Solgar Ester-C 1000 mg Vitamin C 30 tabs

Vitamin C is an essential part of people's diet. This vitamin helps your immune system to stay active and strong against external agents that can weaken it, as well as helping the absorption of iron and collagen in the body. The former is important for the transport of oxygen to all parts of the body and the latter is necessary for the proper maintenance of skin, bones and muscles. The only problem with this vitamin is that the intake forms often have an acidic pH that irritates the stomach if taken in large quantities. A solution to this and a way to provide your body with vitamin C are Ester-C tablets, which contain a high dose of the vitamin but with a neutral pH that does not irritate the stomach.

What does Solgar Ester-C 1000 mg Vitamin C give you? 

  • Reduces tiredness and fatigue
  • Supports healthy skin, bones and teeth
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Antioxidant action
  • pH-neutral and non-irritating to the stomach

Give your body a vitamin C boost with Solgar Ester-C 1000 mg Vitamin C!

Composition of Solgar Ester-C 1000 mg Vitamin C 30 tabs

Solgar Ester-C 1000 mg Vitamin C is composed of: Vitamin C. - Calcium. - Citrus bioflavonoid complex. - Acerola. - Rose hip. 

Para el correcto uso y consumo de Solgar Ester-C 1000 mg Vitamina C:

  • Toma 1 comprimido al día, preferiblemente con las comidas.

¿Para quién está indicado el uso de Solgar Ester-C 1000 mg Vitamina C?

Solgar Ester-C 1000 mg Vitamina C está indicado para personas con déficit de vitamina C.

  • Apto para veganos.
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